Settings App

The Moxy Settings App is used for the following purposes:

  • Change sensor settings like update rate, smoothing, and radio modes
  • Set the time on the sensor
  • Download data stored on the sensor to your Dropbox account
  • Update the sensor firmware

Platforms and Browsers 

The Settings App is compatible with the following platform and browser combinations. Other platform and browser combinations do not allow access to the Bluetooth communications that is required for the app to connect to the sensor.

  • Android Devices using the Chrome Browser
  • Mac Devices using the Chrome Browser
  • Windows 10 or 11 devices using the Chrome or Edge Browser

Settings App Link

You can access the Moxy Settings App by going here:

See the videos below for instructions on updating firmware, changing the sensor settings and downloading data from the sensor.

!!!Must use the browser listed for your platform above!!!

The following videos show how to do the firmware update and how to change settings and download data from the sensor.